Logging mechanism ================= .. |espp| replace:: ESPResSo++ |espp| uses Loggers Logging can be switched on in your python script with the following command: >>> logging.getLogger("*name of the logger*").setLevel(logging.*Level*) *Level* is one of the following: ======= ===================================================================== ERROR for errors that might still allow the application to continue WARN for potentially harmful situations INFO informational messages highlighting progress DEBUG designates fine-grained informational events ======= ===================================================================== Example: >>> import espressopp >>> import logging >>> logging.getLogger("Storage").setLevel(logging.ERROR) To log everything (WARNING: this will produce **lots** of output): >>> logging.getLogger("").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) The following loggers are currently available: - Configurations - Observable - Velocities - BC - Logger - FixedListComm - FixedPairList - FixedQuadrupleList - FixedTripleList - FixedTupleList - Langevin - MDIntegrator - AngularPotential - DihedralPotential - Interaction - InterpolationAkima - InterpolationCubic - InterpolationLinear - InterpolationTable - Potential - CellListAllPairsIterator - DomainDecomposition.CellGrid - DomainDecomposition - DomainDecomposition.NodeGrid - Storage - DomainDecompositionAdress - StorageAdress - VerletList - VerletList